
The contents of this blog are my own, and do not reflect the position, views, or policies of the United States Government or the United States Peace Corps.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Do They Know Its Christmas Time? (Yes, They Do.)

Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings, and Krismasi Njema to all the fine followers of this blog! Another Christmas season spent in Tanzania, and while I occasionally miss the cool weather, the spirit of the season, and the ever popular sweaters*, it is a refreshing, wonderful experience not to be all caught up in the shopping/buying/spending/extravagance that Christmas usually becomes.

* And of course, the seasonal hot beverages, Christmas cookies, and non-stop Christmas music. But those are second tiered misses. :)

Because it is now Summer here in the Southern Hemisphere, and I live next door to the Sun (or so it feels like), it has been really hard to wrap my mind around the concept of Christmas. Even though my FAMILY is coming NEXT week and we are traveling, doing all the fun touristy things I can't usually afford, and spending Christmas EVE and DAY in my village, with my lovely friends. I'm more than excited, and I'm pretty sure every single person I come across in the village knows. Its been 13 months now, and I feel like a kid whose parents are coming at the end of summer camp. Except I'll be staying after they leave again. But still, the effect is the same. :) I believe the planning is all set (or as set as it can be in Tanzania...let's just say everything  runs at its own pace here. I am just so excited to share what has become my home for the last year with my family. And also to see them not bathe and live with out electricity for a few days. muahahaha. All teasing aside, it will be a wonderful way to spend my 2nd Christmas in Tanzania.

So, to prep and get in the Christmas-y spirit, I've been trying to listen to my recently created Christmas playlist on my Ipod (since sweater wearing and hot cocoa drinking are pretty much out with the 90 degrees with 100% humidity). In prepping for TZ, I added about 10 Christmas songs to my playslist (great planning, Chels), of which 3 are "I'll be Home For Christmas" (again, GREAT planning, Chels. Not a hard song to hear around teh holidays 8000 miles away). Of course there is the other classics, The Christmas Song, Felix Navidad, and All I want for Christmas is you (hahah). And then there is the ever popular, mid 80's classic, "Do They Know Its Christmastime?" Which I used to really enjoy. But as I say listening to the words of the song (yes, I know it was made to raise awareness, and for a good cause), but the words are really kind of off. Granted, I know the writers of the song were probably not talking about Tanzania, so I shouldn't neccissarily judge it against here, but even for other parts of Africa, it seems off. For instance, "where nothing ever grows, no rain or rivers flow, " seems a bit harsh. But the line that really got to me is "The greatest gift they'll get this year is life." Which I know, they are trying to help the disenfranchised, starving people in this song, but still, Isn't life the greatest gift any of us will get? Is a new IPad or who knows whatever new technology (I've been out of the loop). The real message we should be sending out is this to everybody, life is a gift and blessing. And yes, the people here realize it...as the song goes "Do they know its Christmastime at all?" Sure, there are no pine trees (artificial or otherwise), stuffed Santas, porcelain nativity scenes, or any other of the many "Christmasy things" we are used to, but yes, even people with out cable, landlines, and gasp, the internet!, know it is Christmastime. And while the celebrations may seem simple and plain compared to our elaborate feasts, they are still celebrations, and celebrating the special day with family and friends, sharing food, and fellowship are the main acts of the day. Even for those not going to church (which in TZ means they are Muslim...its literally one or the other), they can still enjoy the holiday. While I don't know all the trappings of a Christmas in the village (this will be my first, the last one was in Dar), I was here for the Iddi (Eid),the end of Ramadan  the huge Muslim Holiday, and Christians and Muslims alike were able to celebrate together in the spirit of fellowship (i'm sure not ALL Christians do, but I was invited to many a party, and perhaps others were too). So while they may not watch "Its a Wonderful Life" or "Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown!" (Both my favorites!), the people of Tanzania DO know its Christmastime, and I can't wait to celebrate the day with my Family and my village friends. Not to say we won't bring a little American Christmas to the village (lets just say Selha may be getting baby sunglasses!), but we can also enjoy Christmas from the Tanzania perspective. And maybe that's the best gift we can get this year. Besides Life.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Seasons Greeting, Happy New Year! Love and Hugs to all in 'Merika!


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Inaanza Sasa Hivi (It is starting right now!)

     Hello lovely blog readers. It's your old pal, Mkunde. I know I have been absent (AGAIN) for way too long, but please forgive me. This month, November, I have been trying to stay in my village, to kind of make up for, and preemptively make up for my absence in December. Staying in the village has been a worthy mission, and I'm going to let you in why:


While in PC, its best not to compare yourself/your service to other volunteers, but its also ridiculously hard not to. And so, for the last 6 months or so, hearing about all these fabulous projects/actual work being done by my friends, and feeling rather inadequate/slow has been a little bit of a challenge. But after being gone, and then staying around, perhaps it was my presence  by now getting better Kiswahili, or pure dumb luck, but things seem to be rolling. Our youth group (Zinduka is the name, google it! Its with Grassroots Soccer out of South Africa), is about for finish our first group/graduate them! We are also going to take a few of them to perform at at World Aids Day Event! Woo hoo! My LifeSkills kids listen better and seem to pay more attention (could be because we talk about sex and things now). The teaching at the clinic is rolling along great, people are askign more questions than ever! There is even a grant I'm hopefully going to getting started with the clinic to help them build a new, bigger laboratory hopefully! The village health group started by the previous volunteer has beeen showing up to meetings and I held a workshop to make a natural mosquito repellant (learned from PC, its really cool!), and now they want to teach the sub-villages how to make it, and also to sell it for their own group's income! Woo hoo! So that has been a major motivation for me, as I move into my second year of service.

Since its now SUMMER IN TANZANIA, i am once again coated in a perpetually coated in a thick coat of sweat. It adds lustrous volume to my already poufy hair, and causes lovely pimples to sprout on my face. Lets not even talk about the aromas. Thus begins the laying on the concrete floor-wearing next to nothing-while cursing the volunteers with electricity phase. Also means I'm giving in to the temptation to buy cold water/sodas more often. whoops. BUT it also means ORANGE SEASON! Yum. and the Beach is still jsut an hour away. And It makes me look forward to JUNE. :) But the BIGGEST THING i'm looking forward to will happen in just less than a month. MY FAMILY IS COMING!! We shall do the touristy things I have not yet done due to money/work, but they are also going to experience my village. for christmas. talk about a humble Christmas  All 4 of us in 2 rooms in 90 degree heat....I feel like a reality show would love this! While talking to them once a week has been amazing, there is nothing like a mama hug (sure, I have gotten mama hugs, but not from original mama (though she may be extra crispy after being in the african sun! ba dum dum chssssssh)). So the prep of getting ready for their trip has been extra work too, but DEF worth it.

Selhie, Sheddie, and the gang are all still well. Peeing, whining, cracking up when i make weird white girl face at them. My dear friend in the village lost her sister this week, and while I didn't really know the sister, I definitely felt the loss as they grieved. Its so different to experience deaths in the village when you are finally understanding what's happening and know people. Also though, I do feel my connections in the village are getting much deeeper. Could be because we can get past "How is your house? How is your wife? How is your farm?" Already I'm worried about saying goodbye. And thats a year away. woof.

Well I always have witty (well not actually witty, but witty in chelsea's head) blog ideas, but lack of internet/energy drained from heat/life has prevented them. I will TRY to be better, especially now since I've found a semi sweet spot in my door frame where I can get basic internet to load once in a while. But know I"m sending profound thoughts/love/and snuggles from across the pound.

Remaining your ever-sweaty-hot-mess,

Monday, October 8, 2012

Excuses, Newbs, and Maisha Plus

PREFACE: Initially, I thought I'd have a witty, up-to-date, informative, class act of a blog. But then, as most things go in Tanzania and life, it didn't exactly happen as planned. It's not like I haven't thought of funny/witty stories, or haven't been on the internet in the past 4 months, but due to a variety of circumstances I just haven't gotten out a blog. It's like the journal...started out solid, then puttered out. I'm going to say its because I've gotten busier. right? So again, I am apologetic for my lack of new blogs. Its like I always get a fabulous idea for a blog, but by the time I get to a computer/see the next shiny object, its out of my brain, or I am too swept in by Facebook email when I get to the www. Also, if people were to start commenting again...ahem...perhaps I'd be more apt to write..maybe. :) But, its been a full few months.

The months of August and September were fast, slow, hot, cold (okay less hot), companionship  and loneliness, and pretty much every other contradiction I could through out. Karibu, Tanzania, the land of lovely imperfections and contradictions. Getting much "work" done during the month of August was lets say, less easy than normal. It was "Sensa" time (the census) and school was closed, partly due to this reason. My health group in the village were pretty absent, and a few other things I wanted to get rolling were kind of at a standstill. So, I started my chalkboard (my new favorite project), played with Shedrack and Selhie, tried to start a garden, hosted a shadower, and most recently, went to multiple Peace Corps trainings and conferences. So, back to the black board was an idea after seeing a smaller one painted at a friends house, I decided to capitalize on the fact I live in the middle of town and there are constantly people walking by, you know lemonades out of lemons or something like that. :) It started out as a possible teaching spot for the hoardes of little children that live near me, but then I thought it might be a really great way to reach other adults I may not come across on a normal basis, and it would be a like a village health advertisement board. I think the colored chalk really takes the cake/interests the kids as they walk by. Anyway, it is really small, but that has been/is my philosophy towards my service; to quote Peter Jensen, "small, do-able actions." So while other things haven't progressed or regressed, this little project has been a favorite/time occupier on those slow days. 

In September, they announced the dates the new health and environment trainees (henceforth "newbs" in chelseaspeak), and announced that we could help to train the new class. I am the closest to the training site they will be at the whole two months, so I knew I'd be able to pop in and out, but I was also lucky enough to be able to spend the first week here in country with them..this past week! It's so strange to me that there are NEW volunteers...what does that make us? It also has set in a strange, mid-service/life crisis...I have alot to get done! It will happen when it happens I guess. The new pct (that's code for peace corps trainees) are a really fun, sweet, group. Who had lots of questions. :) 

So for now, it's back to the village. I learned recently from a PC language teacher about "maisha plus." They explained it as when a person from a city (aka DAR) goes to stay in the village to live life without modern conviences (ie water, electricity, etc). So they asked if I lived as "maisha plus." I assured them that my lovely abode was indeed maisha plus. In Kiswahili, Maisha is LIFE. So it basically means Life PLUS. And you know what, it really is a blessing in disguise, and definitely making me realize the truly important things in life. <3

So, while I should continue on, I am heading out in the morning for home; the vil. After 3+weeks of trainings, Americans, good food, electricity, and running water, the transition to the village is always tougher, but I am also looking forward to my "maisha plus" again. 

I promise to be better/write down ideas/etc. :) Still LOVING the snail mail. Hope America is well. Also, this week is my ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY in country. just saying. Next blog will probably be a reflection of that past year. Will hopefully have that before the 2nd anniversary!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Can't think of anything witty: an equally dry blog post

Well, who would have thought this whole no-electricity-maybe-getting-internet-access-living-in-the-vil-thing would put a damper on getting out regular blogs. I do apologize, lovely followers. 

Life in the village has been going well since my semi-long absence due to trainings for Peace Corps, and other general merriment (sand-bar-that-only-comes-out-in-low-tide to reveal turquoise water in tanga for the 4th of July? Why, yes I did, complete with smores, sparkler birthday candles, and loud, off key americans singing patriotic tunes. Upon my return, I have been teaching (or attempting to teach.. you know kids of any nationality around break time aren't exactly into school..) and teaching and helping at the clinic as per usual. Decided to be super motivated and bought seeds to begin the Perma-garden I said I was going to start when i got to site (seven months ago), but now at least the seeds are sitting on my coffee table, so its a start. The Zinduka (youth soccer-teaching-about-AIDS/HIV-program)  plan is getting underway, and my two, amazing, motivated coaches are excited as well. Still feel like I am behind or should be doing a HUGE grant or project like many of my fellow PCV's, but for right now, i'm still sticking to the small scale. I have a little time left, right?

In other news, I will have a "shadower" soon! Don't worry, not a stalker. Just Peace Corps lingo for a trainee (like I was my first two months) to come stay with me for a week to learn about living in the village. The poor sap (and future sitemate of mine!) stuck with me won't find the domestic, bread-baking jiko-loving goddess, but I can teach them  to make a mean batch of popcorn, and the proper way to drop in on your neighbors at meal times. It will be fun to have another "Mzungu" (white person...being called this generally gets on my nerves... i do know i stand out, don't need 20 Tanzanian children yelling this to me! :)) It will be a bit different, but should be a new challenge as well.

Wish i had a better, wittier, more exciting post for all of the lovely Americans reading this, wondering what I'm doing in the African bush. The village has been lovely, cool (too cold for my neighbors who complain about the beautiful weather I am enjoying), but it will soon be over, and the obsessive heat will return. As for now, I'm enjoying the lovely weather, trying to brush up on my swahilli after being gone and around Americans at trainings, and of course, playing with and being peed on by an assortment of babies. Some days it seems like this whole adventure is flyinggggggggggg by! and others seem to drag on. But, this is life! :) Still, the love/good vibes/prayers/etc that are continually being sent my way are greatly apprecitated. Really couldn't do this without the best support staff ever.
Until next time, my lovies!

p.s. realllllly love snail mail. write me, and perhaps you'll recieve a really cool letter with a tanzanian stamp (proabably of a grasshopper..they usually are). and of course, love and fuzzies from me. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Baby Steps, Breezes, and Blister Beetles

Alright, pardon the delayed absence. My own mother scolded me for not blogging, but the past month or so has been full, as my alliteration-y title suggests.

EndofApril/May/June has flown by much faster than the previous five months or so. While all things are important, I must note that I have now officially cooked on my charcoal jiko, with help from two different neighbors to get the darn thing started. My cooking skills are still clearly sub-par on both American and Tanzanian standards, but for some reason, I'm packing on the pounds again. My rationalization is the weather. Referencing the unyeilding heat mentioned in previous posts, I am happy (no, OVERJOYED) to announce the "cold season" has arrived in Muheza district. My neighbors and friends keep commenting on the upepo kali (cold wind) and how they are just so cold they have to wear jackets. Its literally 75-80 degrees F, but for people who are used to the scorching heat of Tanga region the other 11 months, I guess I can see how the absolutely beautiful, breezey, sunny, gorgeous, little-bit-of-rainy weather would be a shock. But as you can tell, I'm a happy camper and sleep like a baby (well a colicky baby, but still not sweating to death in my sleep anymore).

Speaking of babies, Selhy has begun to walk! Selhati, the absolute love of my life-little neighbor baby, has just turned one, and is walking a bit, jabbering in indistinguishable baby jabber, and can ALMOST pump out "shel-shee" (what most of the other kids manage for my name). I have definitely taken on the attitude of "its takes a village to raise a child" with her, trying to stop by and hold her/play with her a few days a week (I'm good friends with her mom, aunts, and gma, so its always lovely visit). Her older sister, equally adorable, and I were drawing with chalk on the stoop the other afternoon, and Selhy saw us and just really wanted to join in. She took a few teetering steps, got nervous, and plopped down on her tiny hiney. Realizing she wasn't quite there yet, she got back up and taritibu -ly (carelfully) managed her way to where the portrait-drawing-action was.

My first few weeks "on the job" were a bit like Selha and her new walking quest. Walking the 15 minute or so walk to the Secondary School the first day I taught "Life Skills" (we've now covered hand-washing and peer pressure), I was beyond nervous and unsure, but figured I had to "fake it til I make it" kind-of-thing. Walking into a classroom of 35-50 teenagers expecting you to know what you are doing, and do it well in another LANGUAGE is a bit intimidating, but after a few chuckles (on both sides) due to language mix ups, and explaining how I expect things to go, the classes are going well and they seem to be enjoying it. Especially the Maswali ya Leo (Questions of the Day), which is a sheet I pass around and the students are able to write (anonymously) questions about health, sex, America, or whatever they want. You can only imagine some of the ones i've gotten so far. :) Its a good way for us to cover some topics they are never taught and have no one else to go with to. Like I said, it's only been a few different classes so far, as I teach two Forms a week and the other two the next week, but its moving along well. Having other PCV friends doing the same thing has been a blessing as well, as we can compare notes and war-stories. :)

Teaching outside the Zahanati (dispensary/clinic) was also nerve wracking, in some ways, more so. Here was I not only teaching in Swahili but to adults, and about health topics, so I better know my stuff! The staff (2 nurses, lab tech, and clinical officier ("dr")), stop what they are doing, come stand outside with me and help me by encouraging the waiting patients (our captive audience) to answer my questions and also helping me to answer questions from the crowd. I didn't know they were going to be such a big help, but let me tell you, it has gone so much more smoothly than if I didn't have the help! I ask/suggest what topic I cover each month. EndofApril/May was Malaria, which is a HUGE problem here, and June is Kipindupindu (cholera)     [side note- isn't that a hilarous name for cholera? As my friend Megan so elequouently puts it, "I can't be scared of a disease that sounds so cute"]     because of an outbreak in our district recently (its the rainy season and without any drainage/waste management, you get the picture, problems!), so I teach about cholera and diarahea. Didn't think I'd be drawing and talking about poop quite so much this early on, but hey its fun.

June is going to be the month of trainings! I'm off to DAR for "warden training" in a few weeks, where I will put my previous fire-marshalling skills to work to help protect the volunteers in my region in case of emergency. :). Basically I'll call the other two girls and say we have to meet somewhere if there is a natural disaster/war/or some other reason PC tells us to get out. It should be fun, and I get to see a few other PCV's and hang out in AC and drink frappecinos. Not a bad deal. The other training is for Zinduka, a soccer program that teaches youth about HIV/AIDS. I'm starting an in and out of school youth/boys and girls soccer/sports/health club (we obviously need a name) with Joyce and a Secondary School teacher, and we are so excited! The training will also provide more PCV fellowship and a chance to see another region (want to hit them all during my 2 years!) I'm going to try to be in the village as much as possible this month, but as you can see certain trips to town are warranted (this weekend, new phone, dowloading still more books on my poor nook that got deleted, and a pcv visitor!). Its all about a balance, and I think the past two months have helped me to find mine. :)

So I haven't started any major "building-the-village-a-water-tank/school" projects yet; but, I've decided to take this job/adventure/opportunity just like Selha, one step at a time. While I want to do as much good and help the village as much as I can during my service, I remind myself everyday that it is a process and I will be here for another year and a half. I want the people to KNOW me, and understand what I'm here for and know I do truly care for them before I start a whole huge project they or I aren't ready for; I'd rather they come to me with something we can work on together. So if this means I have to keep playing babies, and making vijana (youth) and wazee (elderly) alike laugh at my badly pronounced Swahili, so be it. :)

Feeling slightly cooler, happy, and now blister-free,

[Forgot the blister beetle story! So one day I was thinking I got a sunburn on the back on my calf and knee cap (not sure why or how I thought I got this wearing long skirts everyday-my pasty white legs can attest to this), but it turned into full on HUGE blisters with red swollen patches around it. In other words, I was even more attractive than I normally am everyday. I had to go to Megan's site for a PC mandated flu shot from the PC doc, and had him look it just to be sure. Sure enough, I got stung by the blister beetle (Nairobi fly). Another awesome story (and hopefully not scar!) for the grandkids I guess!]

Friday, April 27, 2012

Amani, Upendo, na Maisha

Amani means "peace" in Kiswahili, and its one of my favorite Swahili words. It also describes my state of being in the village right now. Upendo is "love", and when you have a title like "peace," I think its obligatory to add "love," :). And Maisha is  "life". A little hippy, a little sentimental, a whole-lot Chelsea, haha.

Well, it's been about a month now since I've returned to the 'vil, and as difficult as reintegration after being away (and around Americans and modern amenities), I am beginning to be really at peace in the my village. The first few weeks were a pretty tough, but as of this week, I have begun to teach at the secondary school, and present on health topics at the clinic, or in other words, do "real" work. As opposed to my visiting, taking walks, and generally just hanging around that I otherwise do. :)

Starting to present/teach/interact even further in the community has really be wonderful, and being back around my neighbors, friends, and smiling/peeing babies, who were generally happy to see me again, and with whom I can now have slightly more in-depth conversations, (they were mostly 'hello, how are you? how's your family? Have a good day' there for a while...). Sure, there are days/moments/times where I get in a homesick or sad funk, but maybe its the starting work, maybe its the amazing support I get from home, but I'm starting to feel like I'm not COMPLETELY out of place in my village. Its a good feeling. I'm in town this weekend, after spending over two weeks in the village straight. As I was preparing to leave, I was excited (needed to use the atm and hit the supermarket, as well as hanging out with my lovely sitemates!), but I didn't feel like I HAD to leave the village, like I had in moments before. Don't get me wrong, I'm SO happy to be in town and definitely needed it, but, I realized I am really getting to LOVE my village. Which, at times, seems crazy when the roosters start crowing at 3 am, the teenagers cat-call and do other generally annoying things, I can't take a five second walk for pleasure without interrogation of where I am going, but I really am. People are recongizing me and introducing me to others, I get regular "zawadi" (gifts) of fruits from villagers, and the kids as SO excited when I come up the path to my house.

Besides theses mushy-gushy reasons, I have been thinking of other reasons  
Why I love my village/TZ:
(In no particular order, and will probably add to it in future blogs)

1. Where else can I indulge my embarrassing music tastes and sing along without being ridiculed? Yes, Tanzanians love Celine, too.

2. There is no such thing as LOW carb anything here. Andazi, Chapati, Sconzi, etc. Being the bread queen, I'm loving it.

3. No make-up? Haven't washed your hair in a few days? These are the days I get the most compliments. Not sure what that says about me, but the vanity is different here, and refreshing.

4. You greet EVERYONE you meet EVERYWHERE you go in the village. It was frustrating at first, but now I'm going to go back to the states and get stares from the strangers I can't help but greet. I LOVE the friendliness of Tanzanians.

5. You running late? You forget something? It's "hamna shida" (no worries). For the perpetual worrier in me, the relaxed, understanding of Tanzanians has been a lesson in life for me.

6. Kids. Though there are times (almost daily) that I wish there weren't a million little kids playing around outside my house, being loud and driving me crazy, when I hear "Shel-She, Mkono, Mkunde" from a group of toddlers and see them waving and jumping around like they haven't seen me in weeks (sometimes its just later that day), I can't help but smile and feel so warm and fuzzy. Then, there's my baby who loves me so much, she pees on me. Can't put a price on love like that. Seriously though, the kids here are respectful, sweet, and always helpful. I promised Mom I wouldn't smuggle any home in a couple years, but we'll see. 

7. Dukas. These are the little stores/more like stands where you stand behind a screen or at the front of the booth and the proprieter gathers all your items for you. The reason I love these is the fact that you never know what they will have. Granted most, have your standard TZ village duka staples: rice, beans, cigarrettes, pens, paper, soda (sometimes), string, razor blades, locks, and other things, but it's the times like the other day when I found a hologram Obama belt buckle, spaghetti (usually just towns!), and bobby pins, that I got excited. Neither have been purchased (yet--trying to be frugal but just got paid, so we'll see), but the discovery was just as exciting . Tanzania makes so much sense, and so little, but I'm loving discovering all its little quirks. 

Maybe it's the cooler weather, maybe it the less stress after beginning work, or the super- resfreshing cold, fresh juice I just drank (one of my fav spots in Tanga!) but I'm feeling pretty positive today. Of course that could change tommorow, or even later this afternoon, but for now, I think I'm supposed to be here and this is what I'm supposed to be doing. For all the being alone and figuring things out on my own, I could NOT do this without the support that radiates to me here from my family and friends at home, and my fellow PCV friends, who, thanks to a free PCV-PCV calling plan, I can to talk often! Cards, letters, packages, and texts are constant reminders of that support, but I also know its the prayers, good vibes, karma, and whatever other positive energy you all send across the pond. I appreciate it and it helps me everyday, because despite growing to love my village, it is a challenge every single day. But then again, I guess life itself is a challenge, right?

The next month holds teaching once a week at the school and clinic, participating in the village health group, and possibly starting a teen-health/excerise club in the next month or so, a site visit from PC, and continuing to try to learn Swahili and make my village understand my broken Swahili, cooking (hey I used my charcoal jiko for the first time the other day--woo hoo rice and lentils!), and trying to maintain this postive attitude. But with the aforementioned (and probably ongoing) list, that shouldn't be too hard. :)

Lots of Love from Lion King Land <3

p.s. I still promise to put pics up here eventually. Technology was not my friend in the 'states, and I am still fighting it here! :)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Ishirini na Nne (24)

Mambo, Rafiki!
Today I have officially entered my "mid" twenties...in Tanzania! Didn't feel very much different as I woke up, but then got to thinking about life on my two bus rides to town this morning, and in some ways I feel very much more adult, but then I looked down and realized I was eating my Cinnamon Toast Crunch (from an awesome 'merica package--thanks, Mom!), and in some ways I'm very much a kid still. Guess that's how your twenties go right? Well, I guess at least for me.
I'm in town (Tanga) for my birthday/Easter/seeing PCV friends who are passing through, but will head back to the village to stay for a while after this weekend. I just got back this past weekend from a two week training trip to Morogoro for our In-Service Training with Peace Corps, where I had internet access,but completely goofed on getting a blog out, whoops! It was a wonderful two weeks, full of Peace Corps friends, HAMBURGERS, pulled pork, milkshakes, all night dance parties, and movies nights with a big projector. It was almost too good, meaning the transisition back to living alone and being in the village will require a little more effort, but in some ways, its great to be back again. I feel like half the village has asked where I was, and that they were looking for me, and then are happy I'm back. That's a good feeling. :)
So it looks like it's time to start projects. I am planning to start teaching teh secondary school students "life skills" and present to patients at the clinic as they wait, with other projects to begin as time goes on. Its a little scary, and intimidating, but its time, and what I came here to do. Knowing I have the best support system in the WORLD helps immensely.
I wish I had more quirky anicdotes to add, but I guess i'm on birthday brain right now, and am just hoping the rain will stop so we can hit the beach this weekend! :) Hopefully will be able to check internet at site, or in the next month or so (after this weekend), so hit me up with questions, comments and whatever! Someday I'll get pictures up maybe here.
Until then, I'll be trying to act 24.....well, maybe. :)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Feeling Cold...and Loving it

Greetings from the Swiss Alps! Ok, actually Lushoto, which a town in my region, but its wayyyy up here in the mountains and is absolutely beautiful and, get this, CHILLY at night. After what I'd like to consider perhaps the hottest week of my entire life, I decided it was time for a break from the vil. I think the heat had gotten to me, and it was a rougher week than I've been experiencing, so a relapse from the heat was much needed. And when I say heat, I mean heat (it was 87 at 7 pm...without a humidity index). I had to lie on my concrete floor and fan myself with a magazine. Sure glad I have shutters on my windows!  When the Tanzanians are saying its "Jua Kali (Hot Sun!)" you know its unebearable. I must have looked especially pathetic, because my neighbors and fellow villagers were constantly reassuring me it would be cooler in June. Can't wait......

My village survey and analysis are nearly complete, though with a few snaf-us. Meetings are generally started hours after their "start" time, and that's only if everyone has hauled water, and/or there hasn't been a death in the village, or they decide there wasn't time to have a meeting after everyone arrived too late, (all of which happened this week). Its hard to acclimate with my "american go go go" attitude, but I'm learning! The biggest worry now is preparing my report for my Training/Conference in a few weeks for PC, which is difficult without internet/electricity at site. Looks like more trips to town? Oh darn. :)

I'm definitetly getting a much better grasp of my village, and am generally recognized and greeted warmly. Feels good to be known! :) Once again, not a whole lot to report on this end, but looks like I'll be working with the clinic and the secondary school so far, and perhaps more to come. Right now, STILL just figuring it all out. I wanted this to be a focused blog, with one topic, but here I go again rambling on a million topics.

In a few weeks, I'll be heading to Morogoro for my conference/training, and will hopefully have more internet opportunities, so hit me with those emails and perhaps we could even schedule a Skype date with those of you so inclined? As for me, I'm going to enjoy my weekend in the cold, (i wore a jacket last night!), and the beautiful change in scenery (despite not being very far from my area, it looks like a whole other region!) before returning to the sauna that is my village. :) Rainy season is right around the corner though! Hopeall is well in Stateside, and love hearing from all you! BIG  Thanks for the Packages, its like Christmas every time. You spoil me, Friends and Family! :) Lots of Love! (and sorry for the randomness, sometimes you just have to take advantage of an intenet cafe when you see one! :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Recharged (in more ways than one)

Greetings from Tanga! After four weeks, yes thirty days of village life, I have a recharged computer, recharged phone, and recharged spirit. While I have managed to get a little closer to integration in my vil from the last post, every day has been that wonderful, Peace Corps roller coaster! Some days are tough, some days are wonderful, but I guess that is life, right? Just seems magnified in TZ. :) I'm been able to begin the survey of my village PC has asked us to do, visit more with my neighbors and other friends, and even understand/convey a bit more swahili. Like I said, everything is pole pole, but as crazy as it seems sometimes, I now have one month at site under my belt.

Which means, one month of bucket bath, "cooking" (aka popcorn) and my continually waged WAR on the ANTS. These little boogers have over taken the outside of my home, but i have held my own with "dawa" (medicine, but in reality poison) from the local duke. Go me.

Hence, when my new site mate Nicole suggested a trip to the big city (Tanga), I was more than a little excited. Also, down to my last five dollars, was super excited to hit the ATM. And what a fabulous weekend it has been. Meeting up with, and staying with a  former PCV and her family who now live here in town in a beautiful house on the ocean, hitting a TZ night club and learning some sweet moves, and even finding SPECIAL K bars at a random duke in town! That's what I call success. So now, a quick internet check and soon to dip in the ocean, then more PCV fellowship this evening, and I am recharged for the next few weeks at site. Just what the doctor ordered!

Now, if only the umeme (elec) would stay in my village for more than a few hours, I would be really recharged! I am able to charge the computer so hopefully a movie/intenet check in the village before another return trip to town, and my phone has been charged a few times in the vil again, so I'm feeling less disconnected. I did feel guilty leaving my village (even just to get to town), but did realize we all need a little recharging sometimes. I'll be a better/happier volunteer if I take care of my mental battery too.

Still loving the mail! I get to "little" town, Muheza to check about once a week, but sometimes takes longer, so please excuse tardy letters. Still hot, still not sure of my jobs in the village, still being taken care of by my VEO, and still being offered random Ugali and food from neighbors. Wish I had more excitement to report, dear friends, but this is all a process, and I'm just getting it started. Hope all are well, and lots of love (especially on Valentines Day! I probably won't post before then, but who knows!)

Chels (or Mkunde as I'm known in the village. It means you are loved. I melted, naturally).

Friday, January 20, 2012

Pole Pole (or Chilling in the Vill)

Habari Rafiki na Familia! A quick greetings from my new home (quick because i have like ten min of computer battery!)

Where to begin? Well my new home is what I like to call a Tanzanian apartment. Its two rooms, attached to the WEO (Ward Executive Officer)'s office. It has concrete floors, mosquito screens on the windows, a NEW porcelean choo. Lucky girl, right? I had a desk, a cabinent to hold my clothes and coffee table made to supplement the bed, couch, and two bookshelves the previous volunteer left for me. Its starting to feel like a home, and I was able to hang some pictures that I have been dying to get out of the plastic baggie they have been in since October.

Like I said my "house" is right by the WEO's office, and very near the village office and a place where they grind corn into flour (when there is electricity--another story). So, I pretty much always have people walking by, and my neighbors are literally right outside my window. Everyone is sweet, and my broken, awful Swahili has garnered a few smiles and nods. The kids play "football" (mpira la miguu) on a field near my house, and the little bitty kids play their own version under a tree right outside my window. Nothing like hearing a little kid laugh to turn a day around! :)

My VEO, Joyce, has been a God-Send. She has led me to meetings, visited schools with me, taken me along to her family gatherings, and generally led me around like a puppy. Thank God for her! She was the previous volunteer's counterpart, and I wasn't sure how it would work, but she has been such a help to me. Like I said, I have visited the two primary schools (i could write a whole blog about the kids and schools! :)), visited the 4 sub-villages of my village--yeah, its pretty huge! People sometimes teasingly ask why I dont' remember their names....i think i've met 300 people! I'm trying to remember names, but it will take time.

Which leads me to title of this blog, "Pole Pole" or slowly, slowly. I think I repeat this phrase 400 times a day: when trying to explain i'm trying to learn Kiswahilli, or that I can't remember someone's name, or just asking them to speak slower! Its definetely a trying time, but I just keep reminding myself this is the time to learn about my village, and what it needs and how I can help. I have been visiting the Zahanati (clinic) to "help" (more like wave at/tickle the babies bellies that come in for weighing or shots on Fridays...imagine that?). The nurses and "daktari" are very welcoming, like my village government.

Now to the important stuff, because my computer is on the brink and it'll be at least a few weeks before I can charge it. I haven't found that special "mama" yet to follow around/beg food off of, but my neighbors are kind, and everyday I feel more and more a part of the community. I did however, find a little "chai" stand, where I've been frequenting for a morning cup of chai, chappati, and beans. All for 400 shillings! (20 cents or so!). Helps with getting to know people and beats cooking! :) I'm taking after Grandpa Hand, sitting in the coffee shop.

My village is blessed with a pretty good variety of foods! I can buy bananas, oranges, mangoes, potatoes, rice, beans, flour, break, cucumbers, tomatoes, green peppers, and a few other things---that's like everything! What I can't I supplement with trips to Muheza (kerosene, oatmeal, etc), which I'm getting the hang of! Speaking of Muheza, I now have a PO box! (check fb or contact my fam for it...not putting it on the web i don't think). Hope to get to check it about once a week or so, so can't wait to be pen pals! :)

While my daily routine has differed day to day, without electricity, I've been heading to bed so early. Which is nice, because with the motorcycles, *^#^%@! Roosters, and other village sounds, its often I wake up before 6. For those of you who know me at all, I know this is a shocker! :) Life is the village is slow paced, which is nice, considering the sweltering heat we've had. This is supposedly the hottest time of year, and let me tell you, it is rather warm! :) Come June, I'll probabbly wish for this.

My battery is blinking, so I better close. I appreciate the AMAZING support I constantly have from all of you at home, and it helps me to continue on this crazy journey I've begun. I'm still unsure of the work i'll do here, but everyday I feel closer to my village, and the new job i've undertaken. Know I"m thinking of all of you, and willl randomly find myself rememering funny stories with friends and fam, so know you are never far from mind.

Lots of love and I will eat a Mango/Orange for you! :)

p.s. no electricty in my village til next month! Yikes! Cell phone may be dead. alot. hope it gets resolved soon!